Tranformational Coach | Speaker | Author

My Story

I have lived the majority of my life as a victim, making the most of my decisions from fear. Most of my actions or lack there of was a direct result of not wanting to deal with certain consequences that I feared. Personally, I felt dis-empowered. And because I knew I wasn’t rising to my full potential, I was very good at hiding who I really was. I looked great on paper, did all the right things, but underneath it all felt very unfulfilled. 

I blamed God for the good and allowing the bad. To be honest, I wasn’t actually living. I was simply alive and existing for the next day to arrive. 

Have you ever had those moments where you were in the middle of a breakdown, and the only thing you could think to do was cry out loud to God?

I have. 

Once again, I found myself blaming him for my circumstances. And just like that, a small voice inside of me said, “You have the power within you, get up!”

Sometimes all it takes is that small voice inside of you, a subtle shift in perspective to go from surviving to thriving. In that moment, I allowed myself to believe that I deserved more than I had given myself a chance to receive. 

When I woke up from the illusion that I wasn’t worth my dreams, I began


feeding my vision

on purpose and with purpose
determined to live life to the fullest
to be in contribution
to influence and impact positive change

And what I want to emphasize to you is

You are worth the fight.

Why I AM THE Authority on the development of women-led businesses

  • Coached co-founder of non-profit, refocused to gain clarity of her why. 
  • Consulted to develop a one year turnaround strategy.  Hired to execute the strategy.     
  • Engaged as executive business coach for Nigerian based executives  Clients met their short term goals declared during the coaching process.
  • Led the process to develop a strategic plan for a non-profit organization to participate in civic dialogues on national and global platforms regarding humanitarian and development issues on the continent of Africa. Programs successfully executed at the World Bank and the United Nations and are on-going.
  • Engaged as a consultant to organize and develop an international fundraiser programs for non-profits organizations for educational scholarships.  Funds were raised and presented as scholarships to the students
  • Organized trade and investment mission for representatives of South African and Nigerian organizations to USA.
  • Identified, cultivated and developed new distributor for US based manufacturer (concrete application) in the Nigerian market.
  • Provided facilitation services for pre-project development for solar energy, mass housing and oil & gas projects in which clients received the project award from the government entity.
  • Engaged as an international consultant and resource on the launch team for the development of a Federal University – Nigeria. University was established and is on-going